ΔΕΙΤΕ που κοιμούνται τα παιδάκια της Συρίας, γιατί η τρομοκρατία έχει πολλές μορφές(ΦΩΤΟ)


Επί πέντε χρόνια μαίνεται ο πόλεμος στη Συρία και όσοι δεν έχουν ακόμη εγκαταλείψει τη χώρα βιώνουν την εμπόλεμη κατάσταση 24 ώρες το 24ωρο.

EXCLUSIVE, SPECIAL FEES APPLY. Must Credit - Magnus Wennman/Aftonbladet Mandatory Credit: Photo by Magnus Wennman/REX Shutterstock (5183031q) Moyad, 5, in hospital in Amman, Jordan Magnus Wennman: Where the children Sleep - 27 Sep 2015 Moyad, 5, and his mother needed to buy flour to make a spinach pie. Hand in hand they were on their way to the market. They walked past a taxi in which someone had placed a bomb. Moyad's mother died instantly. The boy, who has been airlifted to Jordan, has shrapnel lodged in his head, back and pelvis.

EXCLUSIVE, SPECIAL FEES APPLY. Must Credit - Magnus Wennman/Aftonbladet Mandatory Credit: Photo by Magnus Wennman/REX Shutterstock (5183031q) Moyad, 5, in hospital in Amman, Jordan Magnus Wennman: Where the children Sleep - 27 Sep 2015 Moyad, 5, and his mother needed to buy flour to make a spinach pie. Hand in hand they were on their way to the market. They walked past a taxi in which someone had placed a bomb. Moyad's mother died instantly. The boy, who has been airlifted to Jordan, has shrapnel lodged in his head, back and pelvis.

Τα παραδοσιακά θύματα του πολέμου, τα παιδιά, περνούν ζουν τον πόλεμο πριν από οτιδήποτε άλλο. Πού κοιμούνται όμως;

EXCLUSIVE, SPECIAL FEES APPLY. Must Credit - Magnus Wennman/Aftonbladet Mandatory Credit: Photo by Magnus Wennman/REX Shutterstock (5183031q) Moyad, 5, in hospital in Amman, Jordan Magnus Wennman: Where the children Sleep - 27 Sep 2015 Moyad, 5, and his mother needed to buy flour to make a spinach pie. Hand in hand they were on their way to the market. They walked past a taxi in which someone had placed a bomb. Moyad's mother died instantly. The boy, who has been airlifted to Jordan, has shrapnel lodged in his head, back and pelvis.

(Picture: Wennman/Rex/Shutterstock) Maram, 8, in Amman, Jordan Magnus Wennman: Where the children Sleep - 27 Sep 2015 Eight-year-old Maram had just come home from school when the rocket hit her house. A piece of the roof landed right on top of her. Her mother took her to a field hospital, and from there she was airlifted across the border to Jordan. Head trauma caused a brain hemorrhage. For the first 11 days, Maram was in a coma. She is now conscious, but has a broken jaw and canÕt speak.

Ο φωτογράφος Magnus Wenman τα βρήκε και μας τα έδειξε.

EXCLUSIVE, SPECIAL FEES APPLY. Must Credit - Magnus Wennman/Aftonbladet Mandatory Credit: Photo by Magnus Wennman/REX Shutterstock (5183031q) Moyad, 5, in hospital in Amman, Jordan Magnus Wennman: Where the children Sleep - 27 Sep 2015 Moyad, 5, and his mother needed to buy flour to make a spinach pie. Hand in hand they were on their way to the market. They walked past a taxi in which someone had placed a bomb. Moyad's mother died instantly. The boy, who has been airlifted to Jordan, has shrapnel lodged in his head, back and pelvis.

Where do children of war sleep? Heartbreaking images of Syria’s refugee children


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