Αεροπορική εταιρεία προσλαμβάνει προσωπικό εδάφους

Διοικητικό προσωπικό αναζητά για να καλύψει τις ανάγκες που έχουν παρουσιαστεί λόγω των αυξημένων διαδικασιών της τελευταίας χρονικής περιόδου, η "Aegean Airlines" για τα κεντρικά της γραφεία στην Αθήνα.

Οι θέσεις:

Database Administrator

This role will see you act as the DBA over core database systems for the business which will mainly focus on SQL Server. However additional experience of Oracle databases would be a great added bonus.

Reporting to the IT Manager, the position brings along the following responsibilities:

  • Effective provisioning, installation/configuration, operation and maintenance of database software and related infrastructure.
  • Creating and maintaining all databases required for development, testing and production usage
  • Liaising with programmers, applications/operational staff, IT project managers and other technical staff to support product/application development and data analytics.
  • Responsible for effective provisioning, installation/configuration, operation and maintenance of SQL Server
  • Ensuring that production databases are secure, have minimal downtime and are tuned for optimal performance and response time
  • Take on a key role to ensure that related procedures meet the organizational needs
  • Managing database integrity and backup and restore procedures.
  • Apply security patching and conduct version upgrade

Call Center Agents

This position brings along some of the following responsibilities:

  • Answer incoming calls
  • Book seats
  • Issue e-tickets
  • Provide information on flights, fares, as well as new services
  • Perform tickets/bookings changes or cancellations

Job Requirements:

Candidates should have the following personal requirements:

  • Team oriented
  • Sales skills
  • Committed
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Ability to work on rotation shifts
  • Decisive, organized, proactive approach

Candidates should have the following educational requirements and work experience:

  • Bachelor degree will be an asset
  • Greek and English fluent written and spoken are mandatory
  • Excellent knowledge of at least one of the following languages : German, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Catalonian
  • Good knowledge of Microsoft Office
  • Military obligation must be completed

The Call Center department operates at Head Quarter in Kifissia, daily, 24 hours a day.

Applications should be submitted by Sunday, 31.03.2018.



To ergasianews.gr θεωρεί δικαίωμα του κάθε αναγνώστη να εκφράζει ελεύθερα τις απόψεις του. Ωστόσο, τονίζουμε ρητά ότι δεν υιοθετούμε τις απόψεις αυτές καθώς εκφράζουν τον εκάστοτε χρήστη και μόνο αυτόν. Παρακαλούμε πολύ να είστε ευπρεπείς στις εκφράσεις σας. Τα σχόλια με ύβρεις θα διαγράφονται, ενώ οι χρήστες που προκαλούν ή υβρίζουν θα αποκλείονται.

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