Προσλήψεις για χώρα του εξωτερικού

Οne of the world’s biggest providers of machine tools with more than 60 operative subsidiaries, would like to recruit in its factory in The Netherlands, 20 Mechanical Engineers with permanent employment contract.

Among the right incumbents’ duties:

  • Perform mechanical install, de-install, upgrade and retrofit actions on EUV products in ASML and at the end customer.
  • Commissioning, final testing and the service for these components.
  • Mechanically building components to complete drive laser systems in a cleanroom environment.
  • Consulting procedures and executing the install according these procedures.
  • Installing mechanic, pneumatic and electric components according schematics, documentation and diagrams.
  • Looking for and finding possible solutions in case of problems, individually, with the team.
  • Measuring and examining (partly) installed systems, using complex measuring equipment.

Candidate’s qualifications:

  • Knowledge of machine building
  • Knowledge of installation techniques
  • Technical knowledge of products
  • Knowledge of the English language


The company offers:

Basic salary of € 2.400,- up to € 3.500,- gross per month (40 hours working week). This depends on the educational background and relevant work experience.

Engineers normally work in a shift cycle, which also offers extra shift allowance.

Paid overtime & paid shift allowance

24 paid holiday days a year

Public holiday, maximum of 7 per year.

Holiday allowance of 8% over total gross year income

Travel expense of 0,19 per km for travelling from house and back

Relocation program.

Please send your cv in English in Microsoft Word format at: info@hrstrategy.gr mentioning the job title (www.hrstrategy.gr)



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