PHP developer


This position is for senior PHP Web Developers to join a vibrant, focused and technically minded team in our Thessaloniki office. Our team is responsible for developing, customizing and supporting modern, complex and state of the art web-based applications for demanding customers located in Greece and in Northern Europe.

Job Requirements:

  • Team spirit and love for coding
  • Knowledge and practical experience in front end web development through Javascript, HTML and CSS
  • Knowledge and practical experience in PHP frameworks
  • Knowledge and experience in using relational databases (MySQL or similar)
  • Advanced communication skills in English

Knowledge of a Javacript Framework (Angular, React, Vue etc) and related experience shall be appreciated


  • Competitive, above market average, salary
  • Friendly, agile and collaborative environment
  • Opportunities for personal improvement and acquisition of job related skills through real-life complex projects using state of the art technologies

Applications shall be processed as soon as submitted and hiring can be immediate.

[Το send your CV please click here]



To θεωρεί δικαίωμα του κάθε αναγνώστη να εκφράζει ελεύθερα τις απόψεις του. Ωστόσο, τονίζουμε ρητά ότι δεν υιοθετούμε τις απόψεις αυτές καθώς εκφράζουν τον εκάστοτε χρήστη και μόνο αυτόν. Παρακαλούμε πολύ να είστε ευπρεπείς στις εκφράσεις σας. Τα σχόλια με ύβρεις θα διαγράφονται, ενώ οι χρήστες που προκαλούν ή υβρίζουν θα αποκλείονται.

Δείτε επίσης

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