Μισθός από 1500€ έως 2000€ το μήνα, με διαμονή και διατροφή δωρεάν, δυνατότητα υπερωρίων με υψηλές αμοιβές, δωρεάν αεροπορικά εισιτήρια, ετήσια συμβόλαια και κάθε βοήθεια στην γραφειοκρατική διαδικασία, προσφέρει στους ενδιαφερόμενους, για να ακταλάβουν τις θέσεις νοσηλευτών με πτυχίο ΑΕΙ-ΤΕΙ, γηροκομεία
στη Βόρεια Γερμανία, περιοχή Ανόβερου.
Αγγλικά επίπεδο B2, γνώση Γερμανικών επιθυμητή όχι απαραίτητη.
Seeking registered
for retirement houses in Hannover, North Germany.
Job Details
Job Location: Retirement houses in Hannover, North Germany
Work time: 8 hours per day
Benefits: Overtime available at enhanced rates of pay
Professional Experience: Holds a Nursing diploma (trained within the European Union)
Language Skills: Fluent English speaking (B2 minimum requirement)/German will be considered an advantage
Contracts: Yearly contracts under German law
Salary: Between €1,500.00 to €2,000.00 gross per month taxable to German Employment Law
Holidays: Under German law
Uniform: Basic nurse uniform
Benefits: Free food and accommodation is provided, flights paid for
Tasks/ Responsibilities
- Overseeing and maintaining cleanliness of the retirement center
- Focus on maximizing adults functional abilities, as well as promoting, maintaining and restoring their physical and mental health.
- Provide direct and individualized nursing care to older patients based on the application of scientific nursing principles
- Record adults medical information and vital signs
- Assesses the adults ability to do routine daily tasks
- Prepares, administers and records prescribed medications.
- Reports adverse reactions to medications or treatments
- Observe and record old adults behavior
- Assists patients with such basic needs as dressing, eating, and bathing, and encourages patients to do things for themselves to retain feelings of independence and self-esteem
- Recognizes and manages geriatric syndromes common to older adults, including: cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, hematological, musculoskeletal, endocrine, neurological, psychiatric/psychosocial, integumentary, sensory and pain problems
- Facilitates older adults’ active participation in all aspects of their own health care
- Promotes the desirability of quality end-of-life care for older adults
- Records all care information concisely, accurately and completely, in a timely manner, in the appropriate format and on the appropriate forms