Pic shows: The dog inside the bus This is the moment a bus driver won praise by giving warmth and shelter to a freezing stray dog. The incident took place in the central Chilean region of Maule. In the footage, uploaded to Facebook and shared by over 85,000 people, the driver Cristhian explains: "I do not want to take him off the bus because he is so cold." Cristhian added: "I am at work and just stopped to pick up a gentleman when a small dog climbed up behind him. "I thought it was his, but when I realised it was a stray I did not want to throw it off because I like animals. I do not care if people think the seats will get dirty, there are passengers who regularly dirty the seats and throw litter on the floor. However, the dog just sits there and enjoys the ride. "I am not going to take the dog off at the terminal either because we are so far from where it got on. It will get lost, so I am going to leave the dog here to sleep." After the footage was widely-circulated on social media, Cristhian received lots of complimentary messages and he replied: "I am the driver who made the video and a friend told me that it was shared here too. I want to thank you all for your nice comments. "I did it to make people aware that our pets are also a big part of our lives. They are our family and not just accessories. I do not know what else to say except thank you."

Κίνηση ανθρωπιάς από εργαζόμενο που κάνει το γύρο του κόσμου (VIDEO&ΦΩΤΟ)

Κάποιες φορές μικρές πράξεις δείχνουν πόσο πιο όμορφος θα ήταν ο κόσμος μας αν υπήρχε λίγη περισσότερη ανθρωπιά. Ένας άνδρας από την Χιλή παρατήρησε έναν αδέσποτο σκύλο που προσπαθούσε να βρει καταφύγιο για να προστατευθεί από το κρύο.

Ο οδηγός δίχως να το σκεφτεί πολύ έβαλε μέσα στο λεωφορείο του το χαριτωμένο τετράποδο και του επέτρεψε να καθίσει σε ένα κάθισμα για να ζεσταθεί.

Freezing stray dog is saved by driver who let him warm up in his bus

Driver, called Cristhian, saw the dog board the bus as it stopped to let a man on He didn't have heart to force it off as it was very cold in Chilean region of Maule The canine is seen happily curled up on a seat as it gazes out of the window This is the adorable moment a bus driver let a stray dog out of the freezing cold and into his vehicle so it could sleep.


To ergasianews.gr θεωρεί δικαίωμα του κάθε αναγνώστη να εκφράζει ελεύθερα τις απόψεις του. Ωστόσο, τονίζουμε ρητά ότι δεν υιοθετούμε τις απόψεις αυτές καθώς εκφράζουν τον εκάστοτε χρήστη και μόνο αυτόν. Παρακαλούμε πολύ να είστε ευπρεπείς στις εκφράσεις σας. Τα σχόλια με ύβρεις θα διαγράφονται, ενώ οι χρήστες που προκαλούν ή υβρίζουν θα αποκλείονται.

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