Ιωάννης Αναγνωστόπουλος

My passion to work in the Treasury Department of an organization has developed through the many placements I have experienced in various parts of the Finance – Banking environment, as well as extensive experience of working as an Assistant Treasurer in the constructions sector and a Treasury Accountant for an international organization.

I have always found that I have a genuine care and concern for customers during my work experiences in Citibank International plc and HSBC Bank plc, by listening diligently and wanting to know more about their needs and future plans. During my presence in both Archirodon Group NV and The Commonwealth Secretariat, I found that the Treasury Department is a satisfying and challenging area of work and I enjoyed the practical aspects of the job and the use of academic knowledge in assessing my day to day activities.

My record of academic achievements and professional career history, demonstrates attributes that make me a valuable employee. As a highly motivated and results oriented person, I have proven track record of providing excellent levels of performance to a broad range of tasks. These tasks enabled me to develop not only specific experience, but also valuable and transferable skill set further.

I enjoy interacting with others and I am able to work well under considerable pressure, which I have been faced with on a daily basis during my time as an Assistant Treasurer and a Treasury Accountant. My positive personality has allowed me to handle uncomfortable situations at work in a calm, collected manner. My ability to speak two different languages and communicate effectively with people of all ages, will help me to fulfil the requirements of the job further. The commitment that I have to Treasury, my relevant skills and the realistic understanding that I have about the nature of the work make me an excellent candidate for this opportunity.

I am looking to secure a position in the Treasury Department of an organization, where I can bring immediate and strategic value and develop current skill set further.

Best Regards
Ioannis Anagnostopoulos

P.S. Thank you for taking the time to review my cover letter. I sincerely believe I am a perfect fit for any position within the Treasury Department. I am certain that a personal interview would more fully reveal my desire and ability to contribute to your organization. Thanks again you for your time and consideration.




BA (Hons) Financial Economics στο/σε Coventry University


Postgraduate Diploma Financial Services Management στο/σε University of Surrey


MBA Banking στο/σε Institute Universitaire Kurt Bosch



Treasury Accountant στο/σε Commonwealth Secretariat


Assistant Treasurer στο/σε Archirodon Group NV


Financial Planning Manager στο/σε HSBC Bank plc


Investment Consultant στο/σε Citibank International plc


Cashier - Junior Business Analyst στο/σε Ecolab SA

  • Ανανεώθηκε πριν από 9 έτη

Επικοινωνήστε με αυτόν τον υποψήφιο: anagnostopj@yahoo.com

Επικοινωνήστε μέσω webmail: Gmail / AOL / Yahoo / Outlook

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